Expert Market Analysis (Spanish)

Expert Market Analysis (Spanish)

Learn how to find pre-opening opportunities in 4 simple steps and live trading pre-opening American market.

In this webinar, we will analyse the American indices and commodities market prior to the American opening with the purpose of teaching you the steps that you must complete before taking a position.

Learn about the most common patterns in this asset. In this webinar you will learn to know and how to do effective trading in this popular asset, learn about the most common patterns that GOLD performs so that you can achieve success trading this asset.

This webinar is in Spanish and delivered by Nicola Illio, CEO of investing daily

Nicola has more than 7 years of experience in the financial markets.  He is an Indices and Commodities Specialist, and Trainer-Mentor.

Aprende a encontrar oportunidades previa apertura en 4 simples pasos

Operativa en vivo pre apertura mercado americano.

Analizaremos el mercado de índices americanos y las materias primas previa apertura Americana con el propósito de enseñarte los pasos que debes completar antes de tomar una posición entradas totalmente en vivo.

Este seminario web está en español y es presentado por Nicola Iglio. CEO de Invertir al día. Con más de 7 años de experiencia en los mercados financieros

Especialista en Índices y materias primas es Formador-Mentor.

I CFD sono strumenti complessi e comportano un rischio elevato di perdere rapidamente denaro a causa della leva finanziaria. Il 33.33% dei conti degli investitori al dettaglio perde denaro quando opera con i CFD di questo fornitore. Dovreste valutare se siete in grado di capire come funzionano i CFD e se potete permettervi di correre il rischio elevato di perdere il vostro denaro. Informativa sul rischio.

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